المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The missing dollar

حسين عابدين
28-04-2010, 08:46 AM
The missing dollar
Mr. knight was the manger of a hotel in springfiegd
One weekend all of the hotels in the city was full
Because there was a large convention
One Friday nighy,three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms
Mr.knight explained that due to the convention .there were no rooms available.the men were upset because they had no place to stay
Mr. knight wanted to help them .he remembered that room 418 ,avery small room was empty.
He asked the men if they wougd ahre a room.
The three men said they would
Mr. knight told them that the room would be 30 dollar .10 dollars for each man
Each man gave him 10 dollar ,and they want up to the room.
Mr. knight soon began to feel quilty.30 dollars is a lot to charge for that small room.
He thought "even if there is a convention ,I shouldn,t take advantage of these men
He called his assistant over and said:here is 5 dollars bring it o the men in room 418 .I charged them too much money for their room

The assistant took the money .while he was on the way to the room , he started to think "how can three men divide 5 dollars,?
I ,ll gave each one only 1 dollar , and I ,ll keep 2 dollars.
The men will be happy to get any thing back ,and I ,ll make little money,an mr, knight will never know

Each man had originally paid 10 dollars
And returned 1 dollar
Each man had paid actually paid only 9 dollars
9 dollars*3=27 dollars
the assistant kept 2 dollars
where the missing dollar

Amrican culture Center


سيرين ملكة زماني
28-04-2010, 11:53 AM
9 dollars*3=27 dollars
the assistant kept 2 dollars
where the missing dollar

الاصح تكون
25 + 2 دولار الي اخدهم اله بيساوي 27 + 3 دولارات الي رجعهم الهم بيسير المجموع 30

28-04-2010, 11:06 PM
حياك الله أخي الكريم حسين
هناك خدعة بسيطة في الجمع
9 * 3 = 27
المجموع التالي يجب أن يطرح من الناتج السابق ( وهنا تكمن الخدعة )
27 - 2 = 25


أتمنى منك الكتابة باللغة العربية في المواضيع القادمة حتى يسهل على جميع الأخوة المشاركة

سلامي لك

29-04-2010, 04:19 PM
حياك الله ياحسين
السر يكمن في الدولارين اللي ضاعوا بين السيد ليل:abc_145: وبين مساعده.
فما دفعه النزلاء = 27 دولارا.
وما أخذه السيد ليل ومساعده = 25 + 2 (طريقة أخرى والحل نفسه اللي توصل له الدمشقي:abc_051:)